Monday, October 26, 2015

Yes, we still have our issues!!!!

What up everyone! This week was very hard because of my companion. It really has been the longest 3 months I've ever had but I hope these next 2 1/2 weeks fly by because I cannot take it anymore, hahha but for real though, it's killing me! 
    Last Monday, we went to Idaho Falls because i had to get  a new suit. We went to JC Penny and I finally found one. We shopped at Winco and for those who know what Winco is.. its like the size of Costco but they really don't sell bulk stuff. They have a candy section, so I loaded up on some gummy sharks and some sour patch watermelon. People who go there all the time say that the candy section is "missionary heaven". For dinner, we went to one of our WML house because after dinner, we had a FHE lesson with all the "empty nesters" in his neighborhood. We talked about how they can share the gospel with their friends who are not members. We also showed them a video on hastening the work.
     On Tuesday, we really didn't do anything because it was really rainy and cold, so we kinda just stayed inside. My companion had to go to the post office because he wanted to ship all of his book that he has home he literally took FOREVER. He is so slow, but I have learned to have patience with him! The zone leader stopped by to drop off a package for one of the sisters in my district. We went to Bro Blacker's house again for dinner and we had porcupine meatballs! They were really good and he found it on the side of the road when he was going home when he dropped us off the nigh before. We went on visits with the Shelton WML, Bro Pond and we saw some less actives and they seemed to enjoy our visit. Hopefully they will come back to church!
    Wednesday we finally had our lesson with Sy. We taught him the commandments and he told us that he would follow them because he said, " I have too if I want to get baptized!" He is so golden! We went to Palisades to have our district meeting and it was a long one. My companion being the district leader talked about how we can be fishermen? It was so confusing. After district meeting we drove around and nobody was home. For dinner we had moose stew and was good. They family we had dinner with were so fun.
     Thursday was a rough one because my companion started to fight with me because he didn't get what he wanted. He said that he wanted to go home but the zone leaders called him to calm him down. After that happened, we went to help pick some more apples at Vanessa's house. I had to cut the tree branches while my companion picked the apples for her. We got some big apples that she let us take home with us. Later that night, we exchanged with the Thane elder and Elder Shaerr came her to Ririe.
      Friday, Elder Shaerr and I tore it up in Ririe. we received a new referral they said that he would like it if us missionaries would come back by and come visit with them! We read the Book of Mormon with Sy and we read in 1 Nephi 13. It tells how the Bible and Book of Mormon go along with each other. We watched a video on tithing at the end and he seemed  to enjoy it! We ate at Los Albertos for lunch! We went to the library to work on Sy's baptismal program. For dinner, We had pizza and the mom made a form of deep dish and it was the closest thing to Chicago's pizza.
    Saturday! Service day. We spent most of the day helping Sis Cole and her husband lay sod along the ditch bank they have by their house. We went to lunch with the zone leader at Los Albertos. The place is so good! We went back to the Coles to help finish laying the sod. For dinner, the family made us some really good Japanese chicken and rice because their son just got back from serving a mission in Japan. After dinner we talked with the AP's at the stake center and after that we went to the Perry ward for their chili cook off. 
     Yesterday we had to to to Swan Valley and speak at the Palisades ward. Everyone was so happy that we spoke because its so far for us to go there every Sunday they were happy that we were there. We then drove back to go see 2 primary programs. they were both good and super cute. They're were also tons of kids in the program, haha. We have a new investigator named Dally McKinney and she is super excited to start talking the discussions. 
   Well everyone, I think that it for this week! I hope you enjoy my weekly email and hope that they make sense! Haha. Im thankful for all of you and for the prayers you send to me and my brother Logan! I have truly seen the blessing in my life! 
                                                                                Elder Browning

Annie the Goat, NOT Annie Giles

Big ole' apples from Vanessa's tree

Scooter thing.  It was really hard to ride but I got the hang of it

My buddy, Sammy (From Josh, Megan, Micah and Jacklyn!)

Typical Sleepwear

I run into the most random people!!!!