Monday, July 31, 2017


my time here in idaho has come to an end. I have loved every second of my mission and have learned so much about myself and especially about my savior jesus christ. I know that this is HIS gospel and it has the power to changes lives; no matter how hurt, how lost, or how far away you think you are. i have been grateful for the amazing people that I have grown to love and idaho will always have a special place in my heart. thank you so much for all the prayers and support. i love all of you. thanks again for everything. see y'all in a couple days!

mosiah 2:41; And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

elder browning.

Monday, July 24, 2017

final week

hey everyone. this week was super hot but all in all, it was a great week. it started off with one of the comps being sick so we had to drop him off with our senior missionary couples that we have in our stake so elder tolley and I could get some work done. then by wednesday, we were all healthy again and had a couple district meetings to attend and they are always a good meeting.

on friday, I went on exchanges with elder riley in menan and that day was super hot and on top of that, we were on bikes. hahaha, but it was a great day being able to spend time with elder riley. 

yesterday, we got to teach primary in one our wards and we taught the junior primary first and talked about being missionaries and then one kid asked us if we helped donald trump build the wall. hahahahaha. it was super funny. kids say the darnest things.

well thats about it for this week. thanks for all you do!

elder browning.

idaho in one pic. <3

Monday, July 17, 2017

i told you, i won't commit to a date

hey everyone. this week was packed with appts. so we found a new investigator a couple weeks ago and we have been teaching him the lessons and during one of our lessons, we invited him to be baptized and at first he was pretty hesitant about accepting a baptismal date and told us that he would think about, no worries right? so then a couple days later, he was like, "i think i'll have to take you up on that baptism thing." we're stoked and he's getting baptized on august 12th, just here in a couple weeks.

we have a lot of work going on here in rigby. we have a lot of potential and a ton of dedicated members here that are doing their best at providing us with enough teaching opportunities to keep us busy. it's going to be sad to leave such a great area in a couple weeks that has such great potential but the lord is in charge and has a plan and a timing for everyone. i know of his love for all of his children.

that's all for this week, thanks for all you do.

elder browning

sorry. only pic i have this week

Monday, July 10, 2017

Week of July 10th

hey everyone! the work here in this area is great. we have a lot of people that we are teaching and we have two investigators that have a baptismal date. one of them is progressing really well and is getting baptized the first week in august. so the other night we wrapped up teaching on of our investigators and we walk outside to get to the car and a man walks past us and my companion says, "hey, how's it going?" and the dude says "FINE!" and then proceeds to carry on his way as he flashes at us his pistol as if we were about to start a brawl. definitely not here in rigby, idaho. :)

the church is true and this is HIS gospel. thanks for all you do.

elder browning.
the fourth with the district

exchanges with elder mcpeek

Monday, July 3, 2017

happy 4th

hey y'all, its been another busy week in rigby. we are working with a lot of potential and still trying to meet with all of them and it makes it a little more stressful now because we're back to covering the whole stake (nine wards again). all is going well though and there are plenty of great members here who want to help. the whole trio things is going great. its a little hard sometimes but we tend to work out the kinks. all is well here in zion. thanks for all you do!

elder browning

