Monday, July 24, 2017

final week

hey everyone. this week was super hot but all in all, it was a great week. it started off with one of the comps being sick so we had to drop him off with our senior missionary couples that we have in our stake so elder tolley and I could get some work done. then by wednesday, we were all healthy again and had a couple district meetings to attend and they are always a good meeting.

on friday, I went on exchanges with elder riley in menan and that day was super hot and on top of that, we were on bikes. hahaha, but it was a great day being able to spend time with elder riley. 

yesterday, we got to teach primary in one our wards and we taught the junior primary first and talked about being missionaries and then one kid asked us if we helped donald trump build the wall. hahahahaha. it was super funny. kids say the darnest things.

well thats about it for this week. thanks for all you do!

elder browning.

idaho in one pic. <3