Monday, October 12, 2015

Gigantic Spuds!

Hello everyone! I hope that you all had a good week and hope all is doing well! My week here in Ririe was so busy and consisted 2 times to Wyoming and another baptismal date! Let me give you a run down on whats been happening in good ole Ririe, ID!
   So you all know that we had to go to Afton, WY this past Monday and its a small little town so we just drove around looking for things to do so we spent about 3 hours in Shopko and Broliums to kill time! We had another lesson with Lynzee and the Martins fed us dinner before we taught her. She made us homemade Chinese and was so good. We taught Lynzee about the 10 commandments. Again she paid no attention to them and so her mom yelled at her because she always does this and if she wont pay attention, she cant get baptized. Her baptism is this Saturday at 9 am! We are so excited for her and her family! 
  Tuesday was a hard day for us. We didn't do much finding so we asked the seminary teacher if he had any non members in his class and he had none. We went to Los Alberto's for dinner and then went to the Stake Center and listen to a guy give a talk about addictions and how the brain responds to different addictions. He did an awesome job and I learned a lot! We went to the Cole's to visit with them and on the way out of their driveway, my companion ran over and killed one of their dogs. 
  Wednesday we had district meeting in Palisades and as a district, we came up with setting 27 baptismal dates by the next transfers which are November 11th! It may seem like a lot, but we already have 2, Afton and Thane has 3, so the lord is helping us along the way! We had lunch at the gas station and then a couple started talking with us (they were members) and we talked for a while about conference and about all that stuff. He said hes been to Naperville, IL before and ate at the big steak house there? I didn't know what he was talking about but, oh well. They paid for our ice cream and was super nice of them to do that! We went to visit the Cripes (LA) and she wanted us to start reading the Book of Mormon and Bible with her so that she can understand them more better. Her and her husband are also feeding us this Wednesday and i hope that it will all go smoothly and she will be more edified by us helping her. She also said that we influenced her to start doing this with her so idk! haha. 
   On Thursday was weekly planning. We had interview with the mission president and his wife. It went very well and I know that thy are both there to help us! Sister Hancock is just like a mother would be, she loves all the missionaries and wants to know them personally so she can help us in any way! After we got home, we helped an non member pick apples from her tree. she gave whole bag full and my companion and I have been eating them all and are almost gone! We went to visit Sy and he can get baptized! The Lord answered our prayers and he actually set a date for himself on Saturday October 24th at 5 pm! I know that the Lord found a way for him to do this, and we are super excited for him. We have 2 more  lessons to teach him that are on the next two Wednesdays.  Later that night, we gave Sister Cole's a blessing so that her hand would be able to heal fully. We went to Lynzee's house and taught her about fasting and tithing. She didn't listen again but hope that she will remember everything when she has her baptismal interview. 
     On Friday, we contacted 3 referrals and we possible have 3 new investigators! Nobody fed us that night so we went to Los Alberto's again. that place is so good! Saturday morning we went to go pick spuds by the Ririe dam and it was so cool how the potatoes came out from the ground and pit them out from a conveyor belt. We got 2 whole boxes! We are giving them away to Sy! We had to go to Afton again to do another baptismal interview. Someone from the Clark ward drove us up there with his wife. The day was beautiful and it made the drive there 10 times better. We stopped to get some more square ice cream and then headed home. We went to the Lords house for dinner and then tried teach Lynzee another lesson but they were too busy riding their horses. Then on Sunday we had to give talks in the 1st ward and I didn't do that well but everyone said they liked it. We had a meeting with all the WML at the stake center to talk about our goals as a stake.

Well, that is all for this week! I hope everyone is doing well and cant wait until next time! God is Good and thankful for all you do! 
                                                                     Much love, Elder Browning