Monday, February 27, 2017

Oh Boy

well this week was a struggle for us. we literally had three investigators that told us that they didnt want to take the missionary lessons anymore. so that put a damper on the whole week and all that happened within 48 hours of each other. but we're keeping our heads up high and hoping for the best. we do have a guy named chris brown in our area and he is not black. he always calls us so we had to block his number. he tries to tell us that he isnt a member but we have his records. hes says that he wants to be taught but its super confusing and about all the excitement in the area thus far.

i went on exchanges with elder smith her serves in the taylor mtn. area. its snowed all day the whole time while were were with each other and so it made it super hard to see people because we didn't have a car and all that good jazz. we had three lessons cancel that day so we did a lot of updating the area book and all that good missionary stuff. we did have a member take us to get some soda' so that made our day.

other than that, our other investigator is progressing really well. on the fist visit with her, we committed her read and pray about the book of mormon and we we saw her on saturday, she read six chapters during the week. she even came to church yesterday and brought her two kids. we are hoping to set a baptismal date with her at the end of this week.

i hope that y'all have a good week. God is good and the church is true!

elder browning

The sisters in our district made us kool aid

exchanges with elder smith

baptism of natalia