Monday, February 20, 2017

1 Nephi 22:25

hey, how are y'all doing? well, things here are just getting started here in the ammon west stake. we've been meeting with all of our bishops and trying to get in contact with some people that missionaries in the past have been working with. we had a district meeting with the new district and we have about 5 missionaries that are new to the area and so we talked about earning members trust and starting off the transfer on the right note. we have an awesome district.

on thursday night, we were at a lesson with a part member family who the husband is a non member and the wife is less active. we taught about prayer and keeping the sabbath day holy. we thought we taught the lesson pretty well but afterwards, the lady starting yelling at us and told us that we were targeting her husband and how she doesnt want us teach like that. so there will be no more further appts. with the family. its all good though. the church is still true. the next morning, we got a call from a couple in one of our wards and told us that she had someone for us to teach and so later that night we were able to teach her the restoration of the gospel. it went well and we even committed her to read and pray about the book of mormon. life is good. other than that, its snowed a ton here yesterday but melted and now the weather cant seem to make up its mind. 

thanks for all you do! . we have a a couple zone conferences this week and then i'll be going to be on exchanges with elder smith. the church is still true and god lives!

elder browning

A gigantic spider

The boys

Taylor Mountain District