Monday, February 22, 2016

1 Corinthians 11:11

    Well this week sucked. I caught the flu on Tuesday afternoon and was in bed until Friday morning. My companion went on splits with people and taught a couple lessons. We did go to Chick fil a and we ran into Sister Heather Ball and her mother, Sister Peterson. It was good to see them and they were super happy to see us.
     A random couple came up to us and each gave us 5$, which is super good for a missionary because any amount of money is good for us.
     When I thought that I was all better from the flu, I woke up Saturday morning with pink eye. Both of my eyes have been super red since Thursday and everybody thinks that I'm doing drugs.
     We had a baptism on Saturday morning for a less active family who are now coming back to church.
      Yesterday we taught the 8 year old primary class and they were crazy but it was fun. We also gave talks in the Rose Park ward and talked about covenants.
     Sorry again that this email is short. I cant thank you enough for all the support that you guys show! Hope that you all have a good week!
 Elder Browning