Monday, December 7, 2015

Dang it, Bobby!!!

     Good tidings everyone! This week was yet again super busy. We spent half of the week in Thane, WY and had Zone Conference, and teaching some of our progressing investigators! I hope that you enjoy this one!     
      So like I said in my last email we were in Afton, WY again and we hung out as a district. We went to Pizza Hut for lunch, played a couple games of bowling and then the Afton sisters made us dinner! We had to do some baptismal interviews for some of the investigators they had. We played basketball with one of the kids that got baptized Saturday. We went back to the house in Thane and played blackjack, scum, and coup. We basically pulled an all-niter because our mission said that we could drink caffeine now so Elder Schaerr and Elder Teokotai drank two red bulls right before bed so they got no sleep and were up all night.
     Tuesday, we went to  a place called Hubbs (hamburger place) and got lunch there. Somebody paid for our meal! #blessed. Then we played basketball at the stake center and then Elder Vogt and I, went on exchanges in Thane. We went to teach a little girl who is getting baptized this coming Saturday. We went to Tootsies for dinner which has Italian cuisine. Then again, someone payed for our meal. #blessed. The people are so good here in the lovely state of Idaho.
     Wednesday, I went on exchanges again with Elder Vogt and this time we went to Palisades and tried to see some people but, nada. We had dinner at our old ward mission leaders house, Brother Titus. We went on visits with Brother Jacobson and passed out their Christmas party invitations for Tuesday and hopefully some of them can come.
     Thursday was Zone Conference and it was super good! The mission president and his wife both gave good training and as well as our AP's. So basically what the main thing the mission president told us was that he wanted us to follow the "White Bible" (missionary handbook) and be a Preach My Gospel missionary. After lunch we had a talent show and was alright.  Some missionaries had some good and funny acts. We went home and went to the 1st Ward's Christmas Party. A lot of less actives showed up and enjoyed the program. We went to Bishop Brown's home and went over his ward directory with him.
     Friday, we found a new investigator name James K. He has had a really rough past and has been wanting to meet with the missionaries for the longest time. We helped him literally destroy his house because he got "jipped" from the people that sold it to them. After destroying everything, we went to visit Dally at Subway and they gave us both free cookies and some chocolate milk. We gave her the new pass along card of the new Christmas video and told her to check it out. We had dinner with the Gunderson's and then had our second lesson with Allie. She was really receptive this time and loves the lesson we are teaching her.
     Saturday, a member took us out to Big Judds for lunch. We went to one of less actives house and played a couple games of "21" and then two-on-two and my companion and I lost both games. We'll beat them next time. We went on Visits with Caleb Orchard to teach another new investigator but she was not home. After our dinner, we went to the Lord's house and helped them set up their Christmas decorations around the house and they made us watch the "National Finals Rodeo". Sister Lords is a barrel racer so she wanted us to watch it with her.
     Yesterday, we went to the usual wards and then went back to the Lord's to set up some decorations outside their house. We watched the Christmas devotional at the High Councilman over missionary work and then had our second lesson with one of our other investigators, Tallon! It was a busy week!
    Today we are with the Thane elders again because we have zone training on Tuesday and so they are spending the day with us. I love you all and can't thank you enough for all you do for me! I hope that you enjoyed this email and I have a lot of pics from this week so enjoy them too! God is Good! 
                                               Elder Browning

 Current Progress on the Star Valley Temple

 Go watch this video!!

 Free cookies and milk at Subway.  Dally is in the dark blue shirt