Monday, September 14, 2015

What a Week!

Hello everyone! This week seemed to drag and i'm so happy that today is finally Monday! Hope all is well with everyone! And hope that you find some excitement in reading this past weeks email!

    So last Monday was labor day and sorry that my email was really short. We only got to use one computer in the stake center and my companion ended us using most of the time so there's that, haha. We were going to go to Idaho falls but since my companion ended using a lot of time we just shopped at Broulmins in Rigby. We had a zone activity and we hiked the Menan buttes and when we got to the very top, we could see the great Tetons and could see all of Rexburg and the Rexburg temple. It was an awesome hike and we're going to go hiking later today too in cress creek with sister Cole's!
    On Tuesday, nothing special happened. I had steak for the first time being on my mission. We had to help a family in one of the wards with their house. I vacuumed and my companion taped plastic on the walls(they were getting ready to paint). When we got home that night, there were so many stars in the sky and my companion and I laid in our backyard and just looked into the sky. we saw so many shooting stars and we no joke We think we saw a UFO! haha We also saw the milky way and it was unbelievable. We had exchanges on Wednesday with the Thane elders and we are exchange again tomorrow and I'm staying here in Ririe with elder Clark. We are doing a lot of service tomorrow and then later that night we are teaching an investigator named Vanessa Linserman. We had our district meeting in Palisades and that where we did our exchanges. I stayed there in Palisades with Elder Shaaer and it was so fun! We mostly drove around trying to find people to teach but we did visit with a less active family and they were super nice and they said they wanted to feed us one night! We then exchanges back and then we drove home. We did weekly planning on Thursday and we also had to change our tire because it popped! We ended up going to Rigby again to take it in the shop to get it fixed. I went to the doctors because my ear was way plugged up and could barely hear anything on my left side. The doctor flushed it out and now i can finally hear again! its a miracle! We saw another one of our investigators Penny and she is not doing so well. she had cancer and then she was on remission and the the cancer came bask and it is now in her liver and is about the size of a golf ball. She doesn't know how much longer she has to live but we are praying for her! she keeps saying "gods got me, he wont let me die". Hopefully she recovers fast so we can start getting her to church and teaching her the lessons again. We went to one members house on Friday for dinner and he was drunk, hahha. It was so funny though because he knew a lot about church doctrine and kept telling us that he loved us and that he wanted us to bless his home when i said the prayer. when he talked to us, he cried then he laughed and then cried again. when he drove us home,(our house was just around the corner) we took 15 minutes just to get home! He was such a slow driver! I am still working on 12 week and just watched the district videos again and that took about half of the day. We helped shuck corn with a family and then fed some corn to the cows they had. We brought our progressing investigator Sy Versage some corn that we got from the other family and he was so grateful for us and said that we are amazing young men and is so grateful for us and all that we do! On Sunday we had no correlation meeting in the morning so we got to sleep for an extra hour! We went to church as usual and it was fun! Jacob Myler spoke (recent returned missionary) and his talk was way good! Our investigator came to church and i think he really enjoyed it! Some events in his life happened and unfortunately he cannot get baptized because he is not married. Its a long story. We will continue to teach him the lessons but very sad that he wont be baptized, bummer. For dinner the Jorgensen's feed us and we help them cut and peel potatoes for french fries and hamburgers. It was way good and then we shared a thought with them before we left. We had a lesson with a new investigator in the YSA ward. We taught him the first lesson and he agreed to read and pray about the book of mormon! I think that's all that been happening with me this past week! I'm grateful for my brother Logan and the choice he made to serve a mission! Having both of us out can be very stressful for my mom, but I know that the Lord will bless us and my family.  Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven! 
I'm grateful for all you do for me! I feel all the prayers you send on my behalf! Until next time! I love you all. 
                                              Elder Browning!