Monday, September 28, 2015

Livin' in Paradise

Hello everyone, this past week was very hot and it felt so good! To bad that it wont stay like this for the whole 2 years I'm here. So this morning my companion and I had another PPI. I don't know what the deal is, but we just don't seem to get along. I mean we do for the most part, but he is 27 and i;m 19 so there's a big generation gap. I hope that we can try to work things out again!
       So last Monday, we went to Rexburg again and did our shopping. When we got home, we went fishing with one of our ward mission leaders. I was the only one who caught a fish and it was about 12 inches. Unfortunately, we had to throw it back because it wasn't big enough! We taught our progressing investigator, Lindsey Lords. We taught her the plan of salvation and it went good. She was way in-tuned this time than she was last lesson.   Tuesday was kind of a boring day. We really didn't see a whole lot of people. We played basketball at lunch and that was fun. We went top got see a potential investigator Penny Pride. She has a smoking problem but she bought a vapor and she is cutting down on the cigs. She wanted to start taking the lessons again. We set an appt. for last Thursday but she wasn't feeling good she we will keep trying!   Wednesday was transfers. I am staying here for sure until November 4th and then I could stay longer, but who knows? We had a short zone meeting in Rigby so we could talk about all of our baptismal goals. We have to keep working hard so that we can get those people into the waters of baptism. After the meeting, we had a church tour with Sy! He loved it and really wants to get baptized! He has a meeting tomorrow with the Mission President and if everything goes well as planned, we will set a baptism date with him! We went to Palisades and tried to see some people but nobody was home! We had dinner with a super cool family. Their house was HUGE! It sat on top of a hill and you could see everything! It was so cool! I also got my package that I was waiting for for the longest time! If any of you want to send em packages, do not send it through FedEx!   On Thursday, we weekly planned. I marked my new scriptures that I got, so that took some time and I'm not done yet. Later that night, Bro Myler took us all the way to Thane again just for a baptismal interview. It was a long drive there but Thane is beautiful!   Friday we went to see some people in the Rudy area. We saw some less actives and taught a lesson or two. Later that night we went to the 1st wards chili cook off. We were the judges and some of the chili's and sups were very bad and I didn't taste them, haha. We went over to a members house and he is struggling with divorce so one of the counselors from the stake presidency came over and we gave him a priesthood blessing! We were at the right place in the right time. The Church is true!   Saturday night we had big juicy steaks, baked potatoes, salad and home made apple pie. I think i might have to loose a hole on on my belt. Haha. We also lost the church keys but we found them later the next day! Yesterday we we went to some ward councils and then went to the YSA ward. That's about all of this week!
I love you all and hope that everyone is doing great! Thanks for the prayers you send me my way! Until next time, God is Good!
Elder Browning

Your son is a boss.  Thanks for sending him out my way.  My name is Andrew Scholes and I just got home from my mission last week so I know the struggle and he's doing great service and he will be blessed and we'll fee them both!