Monday, August 24, 2015

Fires, Fires, Everywhere

    Hello everyone! This week has flew by! It just felt like yesterday I was writing you all. So lets get down to the good stuff! Last Monday after we did emails, we went to Idaho Falls, shopped at Sams Club to get a little bit of groceries. I got some toaster strudels and some chips. My companion got some eggs, milk and yogurt. We then emailed a little longer at the Rigby stake center and then we played some basketball with some of the other elders in my zone. For dinner we went to Wendy's and for all  missionaries it was half off! Being a missionary is awesome, haha. Later that night, we went to a guys house and he had a book of Mormon and a Jesus the Christ on his coffee table, so we assumed that he was already a member but as we kept talking to him, he was not a member and we asked him to read the Book of Mormon and asked him to be baptized and he said YES if he prays and comes to know if these things were true! It was so awesome and we will be working with him this week! We had an appt. this past Friday and he wasn't home which was a bummer and me and my companion were so excited to start teaching him! We'll see how it goes. 
    It's so smokey here and you cant even see the mountains. From what I have been told, there have been many fires here in Idaho causing the smoke to cover the beautiful mountains. It has been like this fir the past week and now its starting to clear up, which is a good thing! On Wednesday we went to Palisades/Swan Valley and had our first district meeting with the new district. It was a good meeting and my companion is the District Leader so we had to go there early and set up. We stayed there the rest of the day until we left at  9 pm and then went home. On Thursday, my companion and I did weekly planning and that took basically the whole day. Between weekly planning, we went to the Bowers house and grilled some pork chops, random right! Since we have to cover 9 wards, each ward has a week assigned to them to feed us dinner. On Thursday night, we went to a place called 'The Great Feeder" which was a pizza place and it was just alright. On to Friday where we again helped at the Ririe Senior Center helping the homeless and giving them food that they needed. They gave us free lunch like always which I didn't eat because I felt sick to my stomach. When we got home, I about lost it because being a missionary is hard, and not having any new people to teach is even harder. The zone leaders came over and talked with me and what they said made me feel so much better. I can feel the prayers that everyone has given me and I am very blessed to have all of you in my life! Saturday was probably the best day on the mission so far. We went to the Coles house and cut down tree branches, moved a fallen down tree, and pulled a bug(car) across the lawn and moved it to where she wanted it. We ended up staying there the whole day and we had a bonfire later that night and cooked tin foil dinners. It was so fun because that family is super cool and it made me feel right back at home, which is good! 
    Yesterday was Sunday and we went to our correlation meeting early in the morning and then went to the Bowers for lunch. They fed us 'poor man burritos' and was actually really good! All it had in it was I think beans and maybe some noodles and spaghetti sauce. We then went to our last church meeting and the YSA building and it was empty. I guess we didn't get the memo that they were having stake conference in Rexburg! Haha! We had breakfast for dinner which included hash browns, eggs and bacon and then chocolate crepes with ice cream for dinner! It was delicious! That's all I think for this week! Until next time! I thank you for your prayers and feel overwhelmed with all the support you all have showed me! I love you all and will write you all next Monday! I have a new address by the way! Please start sending them here until I tell you not too! With this new address i'm hoping that the letters or packages will get here a little quicker and so i'm not behind on some of your letters! God is Good! 

Elder Browning
Idaho Pocatello Mission * 135 South 7th Avenue * Pocatello, ID 83201