Monday, May 1, 2017


you know when you're in idaho when the weather changes from snow all morning to 60 degrees in the afternoon. the weather here is great though . ;). it has been a GOOD week. the the temple open house has gotten underway and we have been taking some our members and even our investigator family through and the spirit was AMAZING. the family are still taking the lessons but is going to take wayyyy longer than we thought but all is well and the lord does have a plan for all of his children and we're not the least worried. brooke baker went to the temple! she went on saturday with the members who introduced her to the gospel and she had a great time. she was able to perform baptisms for her deceased ancestors and even go to do some names for her neighbors. she is coming along super and we even got news that she's engaged to her boyfriend and even has a date to be sealed in a year from now. its amazing to see the gospel changes lives and then in return, change others lives by their example. well, things here are great. the weather has been good (for the most part) and the members are the best. gods power is real and have seen it change others over the course of my mission and especially myself. y'all have a good week.

elder browning