Monday, January 2, 2017

Splashin' on New Years

Hey hey hey! How is everyone doing? Not too much to report here on this end of the US but we're managing to survive the cold temperatures and the snowy weather. We were able to find a new investigator at one of our dinner appointment this week. His name is Jesse and he's 9 years old. His mother is less active and wanted us to start teaching them them the lessons. We have the first lesson with them this Thursday and hoping things will turn out well/

Other than that, on new years eve, we went to a church building and got together with a bunch of Polynesian families and hung out for a couple hours. We had a 3 on 3 basketball tournament and my team ended up up winning the whole thing and got $10, so that's fun.

We moved apartments this week and we are back in the boundaries of our stake. We live next to a farm and have cows that wake us up every morning, so life is good.

All is well in the Rigby South Stake. Hope y'all have a good week and had a good start to the new year! God is good and the church is true.

PS. Our new address is; 3894 E. 200 N. #2 Rigby, ID 83492

Elder Browning
Reppin' the new jacket.