Monday, December 5, 2016

Happy December

We started reading the Book of Mormon as a mission again and this time we read one chapter a day so we are able fully 'feast upon the words of Christ'. We were able to finally teach our new investigator this week and taught the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It went really well and she's a really smart 10 year old girl.

We are still contacting our part member family, over age youth and prospective elders lists. One lady we contacted said we could come back. She has a few kids that aren't baptized and hopefully things turn out well. We attended two Christmas parties things week and they both emphasized the #LIGHTtheWORLD video and ways we all can help out doing service this month.

That's all for this week. God is Good. Christ lives and loves every one of his children. Be sure to check out the new Christmas video on and use the #LIGHTtheWORLD.

Elder Browning

Decorating at the Woodhouse's

Shoutout to the Green's for taking us out to lunch.

Zone training pic.