Monday, October 24, 2016

Back in Business

I think it's safe to say that things here are starting to pick back up again in this stake. We were able to find another investigator and he just moved here from the Boise area and he's been taught by the missionaries for a long time. Hopefully we can get things going again and are able to teach him the discussions! We spent a lot of time with our other investigator, Dustin, teaching him the lessons. He has a lot questions and told us that he wants to get baptized! His step dad told us that he needs to get the information locked in his brain so he doesn't turn right around after he's baptized and forget it all. It'll be good for him though, so he never loses it throughout his life.

We correlated with a few new ward mission leaders that were called and we were able to set things up with them in their wards that would help the missionary work continue to progress. We'll that;s about it for this week! Thanks for all the support you send my way! God is Good, he lives and loves each one of us. Have a good week!

Elder Browning
Our 70's basement, it even smells like that 70's Show.

 Did the Milk Challenge, I lost.