Monday, August 1, 2016

One Year

Another good week here in the Iona South Stake. It was hot once again but that didn't stop us from doing our missionary work. We contacted this one lady from our progress record on Tuesday and she was straight up crazy. When we got there, she told us to go away and then as we were about to leave, she came running out the door and wanted to talk with us. She is a member of the church but is inactive. She claims to be half Baptist and half LDS. Anyways, she kept asking us who sent us to see her and we told her that we were just contacting people on our progress record. She insisted that we give her a priesthood blessing. She wanted to hold our hands while we gave the blessing to her but we told her that we do blessings by the laying on of hands so after much negotiating, we put one hand on her head while she held the other. Then she asked us a whole bunch of questions and she would let us answer any of them. Not sure if we are going to contact her any time soon because she was a hassle.

We had our first zone conference with President and Sister Nelson on Thursday and it went pretty good. We had good training's from the AP's and some from the older senior missionaries. Our mission president challenged all of us to start reading two chapters from the Book of Mormon everyday as a companionship. He promised us blessings and miracles in doing so. We started this morning and it should take us all the way til the end of November.
I hit my year mark this past Friday and it's crazy on how fast your mission actually goes. I burned a white shirt as a tradition that missionaries do once you hit a year. It's been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs getting this far but I'm thankful for the opportunity to be serving here in Idaho Falls.
Well, thanks for all you guys do! God is Good. 

Elder Browning
I swear, Idaho has the best sunsets.

Went out to breakfast with the Cole Family(from my first area)

Burning a shirt on my one year mark!