Monday, March 28, 2016

He Is Risen!

We finally finished the Star wars puzzle on Thursday. I really didn't help do much of it but i'll go ahead and take some of the credit, hahah. I bought a puzzle last Monday and the picture is Batman vs. Superman. This one is super easy and we're about 2/4 of the way done.

This week flew by as usual. It was really hard to go find people because a lot were gone on spring break. But we did get to teach a couple lessons. We helped Jason hang drywall in his basement and it was a lot of fun. I did exchanges with Elder Bushman and we watched 'Meet the Mormons' with a less active lady and the whole time she cried because she felt the spirit. We knocked out our Area Book on Friday and Saturday and only had one person say that we could come back. We saw our investigator Trayson again and he said that he is going to read some of the Book of Mormon before we have our next lesson.

Yesterday, we gave talks in the 11th ward about the Easter Season and His resurrection. My companion only talked for about 5 minutes and there was about 20 minutes left of the meeting so the bishopric gave their testimonies to fill in the remanding time. We had ham for dinner it was was alright, wasn't the same as it is a home. We did go to the hospital again to visit Melba Yost. She fell at her house and shattered her hip. She is the most positive 86 year old lady I've met. All she kept telling us is that she wanted a new body because she doesn't think she'll ever get to go home and stay in the hospital for now on. Next Sunday we are going to play 'uno' with her. Well I think that's about if for this week. It's really gloomy outside today and we are supposed to get snow this week.
I wish I had pictures for you this week but one of the elders in our apartment stole my camera. It was probably my companion. I love you all and thanks for all you do!
 Te Amo
Elder Browning