Monday, November 16, 2015

A New Zealand Companion

   HELLO EVERYONE! I want to thank you all for the prayers this past week because Elder Franks is finally gone and I couldn't be happier and I have a new companion! His name is Elder Teokotai and he is from New Zealand. When he got off the transfer train, I knew right away that we were going to get along and have some fun! (and do the Lords work of course). This week has been really busy with transfers and new companions. Its starting to get really cold here and today the mission president called us to remind us to be safe as we drive on the roads today since we are supposed to be getting big snow storm. It's gonna be legit! Let me give you a run down of what my week was filled with.
     So last Monday we had to go to Rigby because my companion didn't want to go to Rexburg because all he wanted to to was pack. We went to Big Judd's for lunch with a couple of other missionaries. Like I said, we had to end P-day early because he wanted to go home and pack which he didn't end up doing. But, we did go to the Lords house for dinner and had to help Lynzee decorate a paper turkey for one of her classes at school. Me and brother Lords just watched the football game haha, while sister lords and my companion helped Lynzee.
     Tuesday was so nice because we dint do anything because my companion literally spent the whole day packing. So what did I do? I took advantage of that time to catch up on my sleep. It was very much needed. We had Los Albertos for lunch with Tristan Coles. My companion went to visit a couple of families before he left the next day. That night, we had our Missionary Fireside and it couldn't of been and better. About 40 youth showed up from the stake and we divided them up into companionship and had them teach investigators. Everyone had so much fun and they want to do it 3 times a year now since they loved it. At the end of fireside we showed a couple of videos on missionary work and 2 returned missionaries bore their testimonies on their missions and it was a huge success. So while I was in Rigby last Sunday we stopped to see this little Spanish family and we talked with a 13 year old girl in the family. I got a phone call from the zone leaders on Tuesday night and said that the girl that we saw kept asking where I was and and she told the zone leader that she had a crush on me! Flirt to Covert I guess. Haha!
     Wednesday was the day I have been waiting for, for a long time. It was Transfer day! Elder Franks is gone! MY new companion is super chill and is literally the best. We got all of his stuff and did a little shopping at Broulims and then headed to the Coles to hang out with them. We went to the Bowers as well to introduce them to my new companion. We went home so he could unpack. Then we drove to Palisades and ended up going to Thane because he had to do a baptismal interview. We got back to Palisades and taught one of the members in the valley who wanted the discussions again. We taught him the restoration and he enjoyed it very much.
     Thursday we did weekly planning and it was actually fun this time. We had lunch at Los Albertos with the zone leaders and then they switched cars with us because we need a 4 wheel drive when we go up to swan valley. We had dinner at Dan Fergusens again he cooked us 'pine hen' that he killed that morning. They tasted like the chicken nuggets that Lynda Clark make. The Jorgensens invited us over for cake and ice cream because it was one of their kids birthday. We went over to the Calls and played a couple games of ping pong which my companion is really good at. He beat Brother call 6 games to 1.
     Friday we just help Vanessa finally burn that giant pile of sticks in her yard. We had 2 dinners that night and I'm pretty sure that I gained about 10 pounds haha
     Saturday was Sy's baptism and it was perfect! Everything went super good and elder franks even came up which no one seemed happy to see him. We went to Los Albertos for lunch with Tristan and Sister Coles. We then went over to their house to rake leaves and burn some trash they had in their yard. We had dinner with Bishop Sutton in the 1st ward and he took us to Chick-fil-a in Idaho Falls and man it was so crowded!
     Sunday we gave talks in the Shelton ward and I gave mine on " How can we have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion". It was a good talk and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We visited the Kauers later that afternoon and gave them a quick lesson. We went over to the Thackers and watched a quick video on missionary work for their 3 boys who are planning and preparing to serve missions. We then went to the Coles for the rest of the night and talked about scriptures.
    Well, that sums about my whole week! I hope you enjoy this one and cannot express all the love and support you show for me each and every week! I love you all and we''ll talk to you next week! God is Good!
                                                         Elder Browning

 Sy's Baptism

 Me and my buddy Brady

 Another sweet sunset in Ririe

 Elder Horne and I. He was in Rigby for 6 months and is going to Blackfoot to be a zone leader.

 Cool Ririe sunset on Thurday night.

 Playing ping pong at the Calls house