Monday, November 2, 2015

A long 3 months!!!

Hey everyone! I cant believe its been already 3 months! Its been hard, but I know that the Lord has blessed me for making it this far! This week was filled with Halloween parties and a lot of service!
  Last Monday, we were in Rexburg we went to "Port of Subs" for lunch where we got some coupons form a member at a dinner one night. While we were waiting for our food, I saw Liza King, as you saw the pic in my blog. She was a bout to give me a big hug but I quickly greeted her with a handshake and she was confused at first but then she realized that I was a missionary and she couldn't give hugs, haha! It was nice talking with her. We went to Walmart and we saw our neighbor, Sister Bowers and she insisted that she paid for our groceries! While we were shopping, a missionary mom whose son is serving a mission, loves missionaries and gave us both hugs! We had to help Sister Bowers take her groceries out to her car. When we were about to leave, she gave us $15 each for dinner. So with the money she gave us, we went to Wendy's with eh zone leaders and had dinner! We went to the Lords later that night and we read scriptures with them.
  On Tuesday, we overslept and so my companion got mad a t me because he said it was my fault. The alarm didn't go off. We had our final lesson with Sy and it went very good. We went to the library to make his baptismal programs.After that, we went to hang out with Sister Bowers and the kids that she babysits. We had to go to Idaho Falls because I had a doctors appt. We went to the Lords house again and we watched Bible videos until we had to go home. 
  Wednesday we had district meeting in the morning in Palisades. It was our last district meeting because we have zone training this week and transfers on November 11th! During district meeting, we talked about goal setting with the people we have dates with. As a whole zone, we have 39 baptismal dates and baptisms. The zone goal is 89 by next week and I don't know if we will accomplish it, but we certainly will try! Absolutely nobody was home and so we went to the bishops house to print off a map of the swan valley area. We saw an old lady who just turned 94 years old! She is a member but her daughter is not. The daughter name is Susan and she has 9 cats and 4 raccoons. We taught Susan the restoration and challenged her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. She said that she would do it and we are going to follow up with her this Wednesday. We went on visits with Bro Jacobson and we saw a member whose name was Eric. He wanted us to teach him the lessons again and he is super chill. We went the Hollands house to share a message with them. Her daughter is about 11 years old and we are going to start the discussions with her and her step dad and mom want her to get baptized. Her name is Avi, and she is super shy. We have dinner with them on Wednesday and they live in a really big and super nice house.
  Thursday was my 3 month mark and it honestly been the longest, hardest, most stressful 3 months of my life. Good thing that transfers are next week because i'm ready to hopefully stay in Ririe and lead out the area. Please pray for me that I can get a new companion who I can actually get along with! We did weekly planing and then we had to run to Rigby. We had dinner with the Call family and it was really fun. She bought us pumpkins to carve and I carved mine and it was supposed to be Darth Vader but it ended up looking like and "E-wok". 
  On Friday, we helped Vanessa again trim the rest of her trees and we tried to burn the big pile she had but it was too wet. We probably have to go over there one more time to cut one more tree and burn the wood pile.We went to Sy's house for dinner and we had his famous Italian homemade pizza. It was really good. Sy knows where Plainfield is because he said that there used to be civil war troops that fought there. After dinner, we drove to Menan to help out at an elementary school with a Halloween party they were having. We helped out with the Plinko game, the haunted school bus and the javelin arena. It was really fun and the kids that were there had a good time. 
   Saturday was Halloween and we did some service. We contacted one of our referrals and her name was Cylee. We think she is a member but she is looking at other religions. We helped at the Lords clean their house. We seriously deep cleaned the whole house and their house is super big. We were there for about 3  hours and then we went to Subway to set up an appt for our new investigator and her name is Dally. She is excited to start the lessons. We had dinner with Sister Cole. After dinner we had to go to the Rigby Stake Center because since it was Halloween, we had to be "locked in". We watched the "Cokeville Miracle" and was super good but kinda weird. I recommend watching it! The Thane elders spent the night with us.
  Yesterday a very good testimony meeting. In the Perry ward, Lynzee bore her testimony and it was very cute. My companion was in a pissy mood all day because I told him that he was snoring? We had dinner with one of our WML and after that we hung out at the Cole's foe the rest of the night!

    Thank you all for your prayer that you end my way! As I get in this missionary mood, I am thankful for all you do for me. Some days are hard, but I know that the people who truly care about me, are the ones who will be there with me every step of the way! Until next week I love you all. Please send letters and packages to my address for the mission office! Transfer calls are this Thursday and I don't know if I'm getting transferred or not! Hopefully I stay in Ririe! God is Good!

Elder Browning
 Gigantic Carrot

 Ririe Sunrise

 Star Valley District

 Pumpkin Carving at the Call's

Halloween Pumpkins