Monday, December 26, 2016

A Christmas Blizzard

Ayyeee, all is well here in Rigby. This is going to be short email btw, so heads up. We did indeed have a white Christmas and was what everyone wishing for. This is going to be short email btw, so heads up.

This week was trying to see people before they left for the holidays, but we managed to catch a few home and share some scriptures with them about the reason for the season and all that good stuff. It snowed here the last half of the week and on top of that, the winds started to blow in and now we have lots of snow drifts and it's still blowing, hahah. Don't you worry though, we have a Subaru Legacy and has 4 wheel drive (most of the time). We only got stuck once and ended up in someone's yard yesterday since the roads were bad and the snow was way deep, we got 20 minutes later and life is good.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and have a happy new year. The church is true and Christ lives.

Elder Browning

PS> If you are going to send mail in the next week to me, hold off, I may be getting a new address.

Dinner with one of our recent converts
Dinner with the Munn's

A White Christmas