Monday, October 17, 2016

Crosby Steals the Nash

Hey everyone! It's been a good week in the Rigby South Stake. We were able to find a new investigator from one of our recent converts. His name is Dustin and he's 12 years old, He just moved here from Arizona and he is super willing to learn more about the gospel. He came to church yesterday and he loved his classes. We are are probably going to start teaching him the discussions this week and we are super excited. We were also able to do a lot of service this week for a couple families in the stake.

I forgot to mention my new companion in my email last week. His name is Elder Taylor and he is from West Jordan, Utah and he's been out on his mission for 21 months. He goes home at the end of December. He is half Japanese and he served in Japan for 7 months but was reassigned to Idaho for medical reasons. He's really funny we get along super well. 

I think that's all for this week! Thank you for all you do and for the love, prayers and support you send my way! God id Good!

Elder Browning


 Rigby District

Big Idaho Potato