Monday, August 17, 2015

Idaho is Beautiful!!

So i'm here in the wonderful land of Idaho or as Lynda Clark would call it, "God's Country". Idaho is absolutely amazing. So when we got to the mission home, the mission president and his wife fed us super well. They had ham, salad green been casserole, rolls and of course baked potatoes. Three people in my district stayed at an old members home which was really nice of them. The next morning they fed us breakfast too and it was really good. Many of you are probably wondering what area I'm serving in at I'm in a small town named Ririe. (its pronounced Rye-Ree). It has a population of about 660 people but we cover a whole lot of area. My companion and I cover 9 wards and its a lot of farm land but the people are good to us. Members feed us every single night of the week except Mondays of course and when I say they feed us, they really do. They make sure that their missionaries are stuffed and ready to explode!  So when I got here, my companion and I (Elder Franks and 27 years old) went to Walmart to get some groceries for myself and when we were in the check-out, a guy that was waiting behind us starting taking to us and he was a member. He then out the blue said that he would pay for the both of our groceries. It was such a blessing for the both of us and nice people do exist. Later that night we went to a members home and they fed us pork chops with corn on the cob, potato salad, and apple sauce. They lived out in the country and their view in the front yard was the mountains. I could get used to see those everyday. On our way home we stopped for ice cream and i got me some huckleberry! It was so good! Me and my companion live in our own house and its a little run down place but we make it work. Our house is across the street from one of our church buildings. In the Ririe, it only has 2 gas stations and a Mexican restaurant, which is actually super good and cheap. We haven't had anyone to teach or asked anyone to be baptized yet because we are in a rut. But I hope this week goes by much better and we can find those people that are willing to hear our message.

        Every Friday we help out in town at a food drive for the people who are in need. It was so much fun seeing the smile on peoples faces as we talked with them about whatever. And then on Saturday, we had to go to Menan and help with peaches. So we had like 100 crates of fresh peaches in the parking lot of the church and we had to put them in this 5 gallon crate, weigh them, and then put them in boxes for people who ordered them. One crate of peaches was half a bushel which made 2 crates one full bushel. We got there at 8 in the morning and got done around 1 in the afternoon. I was so itchy by the end of the day from all the peach fuzz and as soon as we got home, we both showered and it felt so good to be clean!
        Well I think that is all I have for this week. I have some pictures for everyone to see and what I've been up too! Until next time! I love you all and i'm grateful for your support and for all who keeps me in their prayers. I can see the blessings pour in from those who pray for me! 
Elder Browning
Idaho Pocatello Mission * 135 South 7th Avenue * Pocatello, ID 83201

My MTC teacher; Brother Mills( he reminds me of Nick Onyszczak)

 Carlo Banez's brother

 The beautiful mountains of Idaho. This was the front yard of a members house we ate at.

There are cats everywhere here and this picture is for Travon Visser.