Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy Transfers

Monday, March 20, 2017

Lovest Thou Me?

So a penguin and a walnut tree walk into a bar, it was flippin' nuts. This week was busy, the weather is still amazing and we have super cool neighbors. 

We were able have a couple lessons this week with our investigator, Brooke and she is still doing awesome! She was able to find a place for her boyfriend to live so they wont be living together anymore, so that's good. She even wanted to move her baptismal date a week earlier, so now she'll be getting getting baptized on April 8th. We are having a lesson with her this evening at the stake presidents house. 

That's about it for this week, thanks for all you do.
Elder Browning

PS.  Be sure to check out the link at the bottom!

Lunch with Papa Tom

A guy at one of our dinner appointments had a mini train track in his basement.
Service up in the Ammon Foothills

On exchanges with Murdie Boy. ;)

Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13 :)

Monday, March 6, 2017

uber drivers

you know you're a missionary when you're at a dinner appointment and the dog is the best part of the whole dinner. literally the story of our life this week. its all good though because our only investigator right now that we're working with is progressing really well. she came to church yesterday and she's been reading in the book of mormon still. she is so golden. we are having a lesson with her tonight and are planning on setting a baptism date for april 8th. stay tuned on the email and we'll keep you posted on what end up happening.

all is well here in the ammon west stake. the work here is a little slow but all is well. we are working with a lot of good and motivated to do missionary work! y'all have a good week. stay warm!

elder browning
on splits with a priest.

when you get a pizza for dinner and the members say who it's for. :)