Monday, March 28, 2016

He Is Risen!

We finally finished the Star wars puzzle on Thursday. I really didn't help do much of it but i'll go ahead and take some of the credit, hahah. I bought a puzzle last Monday and the picture is Batman vs. Superman. This one is super easy and we're about 2/4 of the way done.

This week flew by as usual. It was really hard to go find people because a lot were gone on spring break. But we did get to teach a couple lessons. We helped Jason hang drywall in his basement and it was a lot of fun. I did exchanges with Elder Bushman and we watched 'Meet the Mormons' with a less active lady and the whole time she cried because she felt the spirit. We knocked out our Area Book on Friday and Saturday and only had one person say that we could come back. We saw our investigator Trayson again and he said that he is going to read some of the Book of Mormon before we have our next lesson.

Yesterday, we gave talks in the 11th ward about the Easter Season and His resurrection. My companion only talked for about 5 minutes and there was about 20 minutes left of the meeting so the bishopric gave their testimonies to fill in the remanding time. We had ham for dinner it was was alright, wasn't the same as it is a home. We did go to the hospital again to visit Melba Yost. She fell at her house and shattered her hip. She is the most positive 86 year old lady I've met. All she kept telling us is that she wanted a new body because she doesn't think she'll ever get to go home and stay in the hospital for now on. Next Sunday we are going to play 'uno' with her. Well I think that's about if for this week. It's really gloomy outside today and we are supposed to get snow this week.
I wish I had pictures for you this week but one of the elders in our apartment stole my camera. It was probably my companion. I love you all and thanks for all you do!
 Te Amo
Elder Browning


Monday, March 21, 2016

Cops and Robbers

So remember last week when I said that we finished that marvel puzzle in like 4 days? Yeah, Elder Green got a Star wars one and it sucks. It has little pictures in each puzzle piece and they are so hard to find where they go. Its our turn today to pick out the puzzle and I'm aiming at a 1,000 piece 'Frozen' puzzle.

This week was good and went by super fast. We had a zone conference on Tuesday and the spirit was felt super strong. We had a couple that got called to be mission presidents in the Denver Colorado South Mission. It turns out that is where Maddie Sanofsky is serving. We played basketball Wednesday night with the Boulevard ward and everyone kept saying I was 'Stephen Curry". I guess I was that good. We helped Jason with the house he is working on and he gave us 3 boxes of donuts. His mom works at a donut place and she gives him all the ones that don't sell. Speaking of Jason, he got his letter to the judge and so we have to wait a little longer to see if he can finally get baptized. Please keep him in your prayers! On Saturday, we had dinner with a super cool family. After dinner, we went to their family room and saw two cops outside walking the streets. There ended up being a '22 Stainless Steel Semi-Automatic Rifle' in someones front yard. It was probably stolen and someone got scared and dropped in the yard.

Yesterday was in the high 60's and it was super nice riding our bikes. Church was good but ended up falling asleep in the second ward we went too. We went to go visit a couple people in the hospital with out ward mission leader. We had dinner with a blind couple and it ended up being really good. When I sat down I kept hearing fart noises and thought it was the dog but then dad kept doing it and the kids started laughing and then he was cracking up. They were a super cool couple and had a killer meal. 

Everything is going good here in the IF Central Stake. We are hoping to set two more baptism dates this week. These people are ready to make this next step in their life and just need to rely on the Lord's help in doing so. I think that's all for this week! As we celebrate this Easter on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, let us all remember that he is risen and that he still lives today! I love you all! Thanks for all you do! God is Good! 
Te Amo,
Elder Browning
 Idaho Falls Zone

 ​This was the Rifle that they found on Saturday.

Reed's Dairy.
 ​Tie game real strong. Yes, those are pink whales.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Those Crazy Christians

Hello everyone. This week dragged for my companion and I. We found a new investigator and he is 12 years old and really wants to start taking the lessons. We are going to try and set some up for this week. This past Tuesday, we moved out of our apartment and moved in with the zone leaders. it's good and bad because the apartment is super small and I literally now sleep on the couch. Its also good because we are closer to the wards we are working in, so we can get more work done. We had a couple lessons at the visitors center and showed them videos on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We also went to institute with one of recent converts and the teacher that teaches that class, is really good and super funny. Riding bikes is still going, but makes it hard when it gets super windy. We spoke in church yesterday and I spoke on "the importance of following the prophet" and "listening to general conference". It actually went really well. Last night, we stopped by the bishops of one of the wards, and we got a lot of referrals, which is super nice because we don't have any right now so its good to start seeing who we can go visit.

We have zone conference this Tuesday and it's a little different this time because the mission president is visiting every zone and not all together this time, so it should be interesting. We are hoping that the warmer weather makes it easier for us to contact more people. We are playing "savage ball" today for our zone activity [Shout-out to Seth Malley]. I hope that you all have a good week and as we are getting closer to the Easter holiday, remember that 'HE IS RISEN AND HE LIVES'! I love you all and remember that God is Good.
 ​Playing "Headbandz" at a YSA activity.

 ​We finished this 1,000 piece puzzle in like 4 days.

Monday, March 7, 2016

The Miracle Worker

    Hey everybody! This week was super good! We found 2 potential investigators that want to get baptized so hopefully we can set something up this week and start teaching them. We had transfer calls this past Saturday and Elder Hoffman and I are still staying together.
    They are splitting the Central Stake missionary wise because if the amount of missionaries that are coming in. They are taking two of our wards and giving it to the sisters while they are also working at Visitors Center. I am still going to be District Leader and get the sisters that are in our stake.
     The sad thing is that we have to move out of our apartment do the sisters can live there. That means no more Rupert. We actually found out his real name and it's "Smooches". But he will always be a Rupert in our hearts.
    We set a baptismal date on Friday with a 12 year old kid for April 16th. He is super excited. On Saturday, while we were biking to the Family History Center, I ran into my older brother Zach and his girlfriend. It was really nice to see him.
    It rained all day yesterday so we spent the day cleaning our apartment because we are moving Tuesday.
   I think that is all for this week! Please keep our investigators in your prayers! Christ lives and loves each and every one of you! God is Good!
  Te amo! 
   Elder Browning

 Chilling with Rupert in our Apartment

 Rupert is sad we are leaving

 Breakfast with the Visitor Center couple, the Reeds.

 ​Half of a zone selfie.