HELLO everyone! It seems like forever since the last time I emailed you!
I am glad that it is Christmas this week! On Christmas eve from 5-9pm,
p-day for us and then on Christmas day its an all day p-day! We are
super excited to Skype our families and cant wait to talk to my family.
Last Monday, we hung out with our zone leaders because they are
both getting transferred. We wet to Idaho Falls for the day and did a
little shopping at the mall and found a good deal on some khaki pants.
We went to Iona and met up with about three zones to play "Gator Ball".
It's a combination of soccer and football. It wasn't as fun as everyone
made it seem but oh well! We shopped at Walmart and while we got done
checking out, some guy dropped $80 in our cart and said "Merry
Christmas" and walked away! IT was so nice of him! Later that night, we
had a lesson with Ale and the Thanyne elders came down because of
transfers. We set a date with Ale for January 16th! Please keep her in
your prayers!
Tuesday, we were with the Thayne elders so we played basketball at the
stake center with Tristan Cole's and then we went to Los Alberto's for
lunch. We went to the Perry ward Christmas party and we got to wear our
onesies! We went to Subway after the party and they gave us all the left
over cookies they had!
Wednesday, was transfers! We woke up at 5:45am without getting any
sleep the night before and drove to Rigby to play basketball. It was a
waste of time because one of the elders got me sick. We went back to
Ririe and then back to Rigby for a quick transfer meeting with all the
new missionaries in our zone. We had lunch at Wendy's and then made our
way to Subway where we chilled there until dinner. One of the girls
there made me drink "jalapeno" juice just for the heck of it. I threw up
in the bathroom but they all game me six bucks for it. A member bought
us dinner at Subway and then he wanted us to go eat with him and his
kids. It was a nice dinner. We went back to Subway for the night and we
had a mini guitar session with the workers.
Thursday, we
went to the Seminary class and talked about some of the non member
friends they might have. We cleaned our house until dinner. After dinner
, we went to the Visitors Center with Jack and he really enjoyed the
presentation they they put on. On the way home, Brother Ball got us ice
cream at Baskin Robins.
Friday morning, we went to a morning side with the seminary kids and
had a guest speaker named Sal. He is in a church video but now lives in
Ririe. He talked about his conversion story and how he changes his life
around. One of the youth, Kaylee Brown gave us some old Ririe
basketball uniforms (she wanted me to mention her in this email). Later
that afternoon, we went back to the seminary class and shared with them a
little message about members and missionary work. We went to the
Young's wedding reception for one of their daughters. We went to Subway
to visit Dally and we shared a scripture with her. At dinner I played
football on the Wii with their 7 year old son. He is now my best friend
and his name is Cooper. We went back to Subway to help the girls clean
for the night.
Saturday, I was still sick so we didn't do
much of anything. We had dinner with our investigator, Jay and he cooked
us Salmon. We had our first discussion with him. Later that night we
went to the basketball game and everyone was there! It was so packed!
Went to Subway so see Dally again.
Yesterday was an awesome day! Dally came to church and she love it!
We went to 2nd ward and three of our investigators came! We taught the
16-17 year old class. After our dinner, we went to the Ririe Christmas
Devotional and Dally came and she even brought her best friend who is
not even a member! We went to Bishop Peterson's for the night where we
played just dance and charades!
I hope that you enjoy this email and hope that you all have a very
Merry Christmas! Let us all remember the reason for this holiday season!
I love you all and thank you for all you do for me! Until next time!
God is Good!
Elder Browning